Thursday, January 28, 2010

Homeopathy and the Ten23 protest

Ok this is the 2nd blog i have written - I tend to shite on about alot of things without actually writing them down - will try and now start blogging regularly but will make no promises.

I have been following the case of Simon Singh and the BCA (you can read about it more here since pretty much the original verdict by Justice Eady. Recently jack of kent started mentioning about the campaign against Boots chemists about the Homeopathic Remedys by a group called Ten23.

Through reading a tweet from jack of kent I came across a nice girl from Wales called Alice. She originally posted a link to a site suggesting there was a homeopathic cure for AIDS and Homesexuality, and later a link to where where she was accuesed of being a sinner. Me being arguementive as ever on certain topics first asked a bunch of questions about the alleged cure for AIDS and Homosexuality and querying the results they mentioned (still awaiting a reply on it), then for the laugh I started querying on what sins Alice committed (yet again still awaiting a reply). Earlier this week Alice mentioned she was thinking of doing the Ten23 protest outside the branch of Boots where she lives. She tweeted that she was looking for others to do it with her. When I found out she lives just across the Irish Sea from me, and then a bit inland I offered to go and help/support her rather than her protesting on her own (and possibly taking part in the protest too). She was unsure so I gave her until Wendesday to let me know. Wednesday rolls on, Alice say she might have some support but I am more that welcome to come and support too. I get home check plane, trains, ferry and bus time tables. I can get to her town in Wales on time for the protest on Saturday but getting back is an issue unless I travel and/or stop over in train stations on Saturday night/Sunday morning. I passed on the news that i wouldnt be able to make Saturday but as she had got her homeopathic pills she was going to do the protest anyway.

While I am not asking everyone (probably all 5 people who read it) to make the trip to Wales to support Alice, if you are out and about on Saturday the 30th and see a group of people outside any boots with signs and possibly handing out leaflets (from teh Ten23 campaign anyway), please support them and read/listen to the information they give.
